Join PTI/Waldner at ProFood Tech

February 27, 2019


Join PTI/Waldner North America at ProFood Tech, March 26-28, at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL in Booth #1234.

PTI/Waldner North America specializes in filling and sealing machinery for cup, pouch and spouted pouch applications. Partnering with Waldner North America makes your new and unique package formats or custom applications always a possibility! Come talk with us about your package innovations for the following products:

• Fresh & cultured dairy products
• Baby food
• Pet food
• Ready meals
• Coffee & beverages

Click on our free registry link to find out how Waldner North America's filling and sealing machinery could
benefit you.

Visit Us At Booth #1234 at ProFood Tech  |  Attend for FREE using our comp code: 18M36

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